Monday, January 17, 2011

Allusion Poem - Rough Draft


As I wander far from my refuge,

I walk into a valley of darkness.

I start to panic.

I begin to call out for help,

But its feels as if my voice is mute.

I am lost.

I try to find my way back to the light,

But somehow, I tend to fall back into the dark abyss.

I hear a voice calling out to me,

But I just ignore it.

I am searching.

I need to change my ways.

I need to open my heart more widely.

I need to find my way back home.

I need help.

I am needy.

A voice calls out again.

I choose to finally listen.

I hear the voice say come home.

I see a bright light appear.

I walk into the light.

I am home.


  1. Hi Sharmaine.

    First off, I'd like to say this rough draft is a good start. I can see 'you' in this poem and the allusion you made of the parable of the lost sheep was brilliant.

    There are a few minor mistakes, however.

    "But its feels as if my voice is mute." Change 'its' to 'it' in the first stanza.

    In the second stanza: "But I just ignore it." I think it sounds better if you omit 'just'.

    In the third stanza: "I need to open my heart more widely." Again, I think it sounds better if you omit 'more widely'. "I need help." In the three lines before that, it kinda clearly shows that you need help. I think it's best if you leave that out.

    And the line after the third stanza that says: "I am needy." You used 'need' quite a few times in the third stanza. Use a different adjective. about 'dependent'?

    Oh, and in the fourth stanza where it says: "I hear the voice say come home." 'Come home' should be in quotations since it's being represented by spoken language.

    And that's it. Sorry for the long commentary. I enjoyed reading your poem. It had excellent detail and good word choice. =)

    - Desiree

  2. I can definitely see you in this poem. But I agree with Desiree with you saying "need" quite a few times. Using "need" just a few times would be good. But overall this poem is a good start

  3. Hi Sharmaine,

    I agree with most of what your teammates have said. The poem is a good one and does a good job of helping your reader feel your sense of being lost and then found.
    I think the repetition of "need" is good, and I also agree with Desiree's suggestion of changing the word "needy." I think, though, that, rather than "dependent" try for another word that will serve as a bridge between the "lost" section and the "found" part that follows. It might also word to delete that line entirely, too, I think.
    My suggestion is that, both in the graphic and the poem, you somehow include a bit more that would connect to the Biblical story. Try to find words that would connect figuratively to the parable.
    Great job!
    mrs s
