Thursday, September 10, 2009

Journal #8 - Brainstorming: My Favorite Place(s)

1. My Room
- It is quiet and peaceful. A good place to relax.
- It has a good view of the mountains and the sunrise.
- A place where i can let loose and not care what anyone thinks of me. A place where i can express myself.
2. The park near my neighborhood
- It is very breezy there.
- A nice, peaceful place where you can lay on the green grass and read a book, listen to your iPod.
- There's this bench where i sit on and i reflect.
3. The Mall
- I can hang out with friends
- buy things (clothes, food, etc.)
- always full of people

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sharmaine,

    From the details you have provided, I think your #1 and #2 would make good choices. The querencia essay focuses on a place that has contributed to your sense of identity. It "nurtures" you and allows you to be more of who you are (so you can see that your description of your room immediately matches up there :)
    mrs s
