Doing this metaphor project has helped me to become a better reader and writer of poetry and also has improved my skills in videography. The process to creating my self-metaphor was not easy. I first had to find something to compare myself to. Then I had to create the poem itself and finally make a video about it. My choice to compare myself to a camera was not the first one. I first had chosen a rubiks cube, then legos. I chose a camera because I'm the kind of person who wants to make memories and keep them forever. Cameras hold the captured moments in your life and you have the choice to keep them or delete them. I thought a camera was perfect for me.
Now that I had finally chosen what I wanted to be compared to, I needed to create the poem. The poem was probably the most difficult part of the process (even more difficult than the video). I had a hard time because I couldn't really think of the things that cameras do besides capture and clicking. I got a few suggestions from Mrs. S and began to create my poem. In my poem, I used the camera verbs to describe myself as a person. Here are a few quotes from my poem: "I'll always be there with you to capture the moment", "I zoom through life without regret", and "With just one click, I'll make a brief minute last a lifetime". Those are just some of the phrases in my poem that I used to compare myself to a camera. I wasn't afraid to write down what was in my mind, even if some ideas sounded cheesy. Like what I have stated in my Poetry Website, writing poems is a way for people to EXPRESS THEMSELVES. And I feel that I have shown my true self in my self-metaphor poem.
The video was very easy for me to do. After doing my poem, I already had visuals and ideas in my mind. I kept thinking about it and then made a storyboard so that I wouldn't forget anything. I used different angles and perspectives in my video. I used the camera to my advantage taking as many shots and footage as I could. The editing process was the most fun for me. To not make it look boring, I used different effects to catch people's attention. I feel that my video has been shot and edited well. For audio, I used a happy music to keep people interested. I decided to use voice overs than text because I feel that voice overs give it more meaning. My videography skills and creativity skills have definitely improved during this process.
My poem is metaphoric and full of imagery. The imagery of the poem made is what made it easy for me to film my self-metaphor video. I decided to use more verbs and nouns rather than adjectives because verbs and nouns give it a more realistic feel than just DESCRIBING with ADJECTIVES. Here are a few examples (I WILL BOLD THE VERBS AND NOUNS): "I perceive things from a different point of view", "I pan", "I tilt", "I zoom". Those are just a few examples. The rest are stated in my poem.
This project has helped me to improve my poetic skills, both reading and writing, and I had the chance to apply the skills I learned in my media class as well as enhance them. Analyzing poems using the five-step process has helped me to appreciate poems more and their meanings too. I'm hoping to do another project like this again, where we can become creative and show people our skills. (; Through this project I learned more about myself. I learned that I enjoy making videos if I set my mind to it. As a writer, I learned that it helps me to get in touch with my inner feelings. I want to continue doing poetry in the future and I hope to improve my current skills throughout the rest of the school year, or maybe even beyond that. I feel that I have accomplished my visions and goals for this project.